Front-end Developer: evaluation criteria & salary

Evaluation criteria examples
Select evaluation criteria presets or use the sliders below
Junior 1
Junior 2
Regular 1
Regular 2
Regular 3
Senior 1
Senior 2
Senior 3
Senior 4
Technical skills
Clean code + work techniques
You have a basic understanding of Object-Oriented Programming
You are able to write self-explanatory code with basic design patterns
You are able to divide applications into separate logical parts, have experience with unit tests also on component level as well as have knowledge about quality tools used on the front-end.
You have a good knowledge about design patterns and a huge experience with units and/or E2E tests. You also have experience with functional programming.
You have expert knowledge regarding testing front-end: units, integration, e2e tests. You share your knowledge among other employees, improving other projects inside the company
All skills from lower levels are also required
You are familiar with the basics of JavaScript.
You have knowledge about REST API integrations and asynchronous code handling. You have experience with integrating external Javascript libraries.
You are able to work with Typescript based projects. You have very good knowledge about javascript language features including ES6/7 and newest versions.
You have an advanced knowledge about Typescript and experience with RXJS and Node (Express or Nest). You are also knowledgeable about websockets, GraphQL and integrations with existing authentication/payment systems.
You have expert Javascript ecosystem knowledge and experience with dApss development. You have a good knowledge of the NodeJS development environment.
All skills from lower levels are also required
You have basic Linux/OSX and GIT knowledge.
You have experience with package managers and module bundlers for the front-end.
You are able to write simple npm scripts. You have knowledge about setuping Webpack from scratch and experience with CI. You have knowledge about code debugging techniques.
You have advanced module bundlers knowledge and experience with mobile application development in javascript. You have knowledge of analytic tools for frontend.
You have a very good knowledge about mobile application development in one of the leading frameworks. You have experience with SSR and ability to configure CI for the front-end from scratch in popular Cloud services.
All skills from lower levels are also required
Javascript frameworks - React
You have basic React knowledge.
You have knowledge of React lifecycle hooks and application routing. You have knowledge about state management solutions.
You have a very good knowledge about the Redux ecosystem and its alternatives as well as experience with integrating with existing components/libraries. You have knowledge about i18n solutions.
You have a good knowledge about design patterns for React applications and experience with developing high performance React apps. You have experience with creating applications from scratch.
You have expert React knowledge and experience with integrating graphQL into React apps. You have the ability to work with alternative SPA frameworks like Vue, Angular etc.
All skills from lower levels are also required
UI Development
You have basic html/css knowledge.
You have the ability to implement RWD and cross-browser applications. You have knowledge of styling preprocessors like Sass or Less.
You have experience with CSS in JS solutions. You have deep CSS knowledge including current standards and browser limitations.
You have a knowledge of HTML web APIs and experience with application theming. You have the ability to document applications with tools like Storybook. You have very good knowledge about styling frameworks like Bootstrap, Material etc.
You have the ability to implement AA compliant web applications. You have experience with advanced visualization libraries/mechanisms: canvas/webgl, d3, svg animations etc.
All skills from lower levels are also required
Soft skills
You are still learning and often require help.
Although you are capable of handling most standard tasks, you need help with larger issues.
You are a self-sufficient person who does not require help/supervision.
You can handle all tasks, including non-standard ones, without help. You can also help other team members.
You introduce new ways of handling issues in the company You conduct internal and external workshops and trainings or effectively support other teams with expert knowledge.
All skills from lower levels are also required
Extending the company’s skillset
You are learning.
You have skills good enough to complete most tasks in the current project.
You are more skilled than is needed for a particular project.
You have skills that exceed an average level in one or more fields, and they lead to the acquisition of new projects.
You are an expert in more than one programming language/domain/technology. You introduce/continue innovations in the company.
All skills from lower levels are also required
Experience as a Team Leader
Among "Experience as a Team Leader" or "Active in Open-Source Projects", only the one with a higher value is counted
No experience
You have been an agile project team member.
You have already performed the role of a leader/mentor/Scrum Master at least once in a project.
You have experience in managing a team in more than one project.
You have extensive experience in managing/supporting a team.
Active in Open-Source Projects and the Community
Among "Experience as a Team Leader" or "Active in Open-Source Projects", only the one with a higher value is counted
No activity
You have been an agile project team member.
You are making first steps in the open-source world.
You are actively involved in the open-source community, providing valuable input.
You have regularly and continuously (for at least about six months) been involved with the open-source community in a variety of ways.
All skills from lower levels are also required
You haven’t been working in a project team yet.
You know what your duties in the team are. You take active part in meetings.
You have an influence on the course and the outcome of the team meetings. You have substantiated ideas and you can apply them in practice.
You are proactive and supportive, offering help when such a need is noticed.
You conduct team meetings effectively and present constructive feedback to the team. You are able to diagnose the team’s dysfunctions and suggest solutions.
All skills from lower levels are also required
Effective contact with a client
You have no experience in contacts with the clients.
You have occasional contacts with the client.
You have an established contact with the client and specified tasks. You are able to advise the client, suggest and explain a solution.
You take an active part in the meetings with the client, can diagnose the client’s needs and suggest particular solutions. You are fluent in English.
You have extensive experience in working with clients on numerous projects. You are able to take an active part in pre-selling meetings.
All skills from lower levels are also required
Summary of your results
Technical skills
Clean code + work techniques
Javascript frameworks - React
UI Development
Soft skills
Extending the company’s skillset
Experience as a Team Leader
Active in Open-Source Projects and the Community
Effective contact with a client
Total points
Estimated level of salary
Level: Regular 3
36 points
How it works
11 880
8 808
4 440
23 760
3 696
18 480